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Dusk Brothers are a 'dark swamp blues' two-man-band from Bristol, UK.

The gritty dark swamp blues sound of Dusk Brothers (Gray and 'E' Moncrieff) draws heavily on their unconventional arsenal of self-built instruments. Guitars fashioned from old metal boxes, "Frankenstein" foot drums created by ripping down 55 gallon oil drums and bolting them onto sawn-off bass drum shells and custom valve guitar amplifiers built from scratch in their own workshop provide a raw, bluesy backdrop for growling vocal harmonies and blues harp.


These "cowboy-hatted shamans'" visceral live shows continue to astound audiences and accrue a dedicated fanbase at venues and festivals across the UK including the acclaimed Buckle & Boots Country Festival and coveted main stage appearances at Tenby Blues Festival and Carlisle Blues Rock Festival.


Dusk Brothers featured in award winning director Virginia Heath's documentary 'Cigar Box Blues - The Makers Of A Revolution', broadcast on BBC One and BBC Four.


During the 2020 lockdown the brothers transformed the ramshackle garage they use as a rehearsal room into a pallet-wood-clad private rum bar and live-streaming and recording studio. They continue to stream "The Dusk Brothers Show LIVE" on Friday nights from their infamous Rum Shack.


The debut EP "Storms, Rum, Liars and Guns" was released in 2019 with a release party in the brothers' home town of Bristol.


Their first and eagerly anticipated full studio album is now under construction.

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